Aerial cranleigh brick and tile works

Cranleigh Brick and Tile Works

Remediation of brick, quarry and chemical works

The site has a long history of industrial use dating back some 200 years. Clay quarrying and brick manufacture has taken place throughout but between 1938 and 1989 the site was a chemical works for a variety of products including organophosphate pesticides, zinc chloride and other heavy metal-based materials, galvanising, and asbestos acid washing.  Historically controls on such activities were limited leading to widespread contamination of the site and substantial quantities of highly contaminated leachate escaping the site.

The site was determined Contaminated Land in 2000 and due to the risk to controlled waters was identified as Special Site No.1 regulated by the Environment Agency.

The brick activity halted in 1989 with the site ownership eventually going into administration leaving behind contaminated soils exposed to the elements and large polluted lagoons with uncontrolled leachate spreading into local watercourses. The site also had widespread hazardous fibre contamination, underground cavities and collapsing buildings.

Rural Arisings Ltd were appointed by the new landowner to resolve the contamination issues and bring the site back to beneficial use. The chosen solution, following detailed consultation with the various regulators, entailed clearing the surface contamination, buildings etc and capping the site to cut off leachate production.  The surface of the cap is to be contoured 

to shed surface water to the quarry where flow would be attenuated to manage flood risk downstream. The capped contaminated area will be converted to green space with nearby disturbed but uncontaminated areas converted to residential as enabling development.

We are responsible for the whole of the remediation work including survey/investigation, design, planning application including financial strategy, construction, and handover of the remediated site to permit the landowner to implement the complimentary housing development.

The site presented a number of challenges besides contamination including isolated location requiring an detailed HGV management strategy, the presence of a number of protected species that needed to be incorporated into the scheme and a local community sensitised by previous abortive remediation schemes resulting in a community liaison group to allow open dialogue regarding their  concerns.

You will find further information and updates about the work on site on our Cranleigh Blog



Planting trees
Slow worm
Quarry sign


Steward Transport


Cranleigh Brick & Tile Works


Contaminated Brickworks, chemical manufacturing, and clay quarry


Green space and 19 residential units

Restoration period:

2015 - 2023

Site area and fill volume:

8 hectares & 600,000 cubic metres